This site and the contributing works, are posted in the spirit of Fair Use. (According to the Copyright Law of the United States of America. Also, Related Laws in Title 17 of the United States Code.)
erotic fantasy art

If you feel that we are not presenting these works in the spirit of the law, please let us know. We'll do everything we can to correct the matter.

The copyright for all images in this gallery, belongs to each respective artist. This is NOT "free artwork" and you CAN NOT use it for any reason.

If you like what you see and want a print, or the right to reproduce it for any reason, then go visit the artists website and see what type of licensing they have available. Many of the artists featured here, have PSP tubes or myspace tags available for you to use on your personal stuff for a small fee.

Does this site violate the copyright of the artists? No, it doesn't. This site is only here to expose you to some of the great work out there. In other words, this site is for "educational use only" and is allowed under the "Fair Use" provision of the copyright laws. Feel free to comment about each work and rate them for fun.

Don't get me wrong, if your artwork is on this site and you don't want it here, just let me know and I'll promptly remove it. I am a huge fan of everyone featured on this site and I don't want to piss anyone off. I've tried to keep all copyright statements and links intact, but if I've missed any or if you want them added, just let me know.

Once again I want to ask everyone who visits this site NOT to "steal" images. Go visit the artists website and support them by purchasing their products. Also, NO direct linking to the images on this site please.
